
Creating a website is easier than you think. There is a two components formula to own a website. First one is to have a domain name, and the second one is to have a web hosting. A domain name designates your website's online address, and a web host is a company that gives you the space to create and save your website on the Internet. Web hosts also provide the tools and guides that you need to create your website. If you would prefer, you can hire a web developer to create your site for you.

The cost of creating a website will vary based on several factors. The web host where you are planning to place your website may charge you a nominal amount for the service. This price is determined by the plan you choose and the features that it provides. Once you have chosen a domain name, you should pay a yearly fee for it. It is cheaper to create a site yourself. If you hire a web developer, they could charge you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Your options for web hosting also vary in cost. Some services are available for free while others could cost over a thousand dollars per year. Typically, business websites require more features and will be more expensive.

Website Types

A website is a collection of web pages that features images, suggestive and/or thematic videos, descriptions and content. We can mention that there are various kinds of websites, like business websites, personal websites, travel websites, forums, blogs, documentary, medical and family websites. Then the design of your website has to be in accordance with your propose objectives, technical skills, budget and needs.

Business Websites

A website is integral to the portfolio and main operations of many businesses. All kinds of businesses build their websites to improve their online presence, advertising and their sales strategies. There are three main types of business websites: interactive, commercial, and informal. First, the Interactive website allows users to interact with people in charge with the company. Commercial websites have ecommerce features that promote and display product details and guide customers how to make their selections and purchases online. A website that have a lot of content and helps visitors to learn about a specific topic and of course answer their queries is an informational website.

Family Websites

You can create a designated website to keep your family members connected. Family members will have individual logins and passwords. You can structure that each member could upload personal stories, family photos or to create albums or photo galleries, to post on the calendar function dates, to initiate family blogs, and sections for posting news.

Personal Websites

Writing and publishing online your biography or kipping update your personal life history, with photos, text, events, travel, videos, and other personal details onto the Internet using personal websites in private or public mode. If you are planning to create a personal website you few options: one is to have a domain name for your website and a hosting package, second to create a free personal website or to create web pages in a larger blog or domain.


Blogs are very popular and allow you to upload and publish content immediately at fast speeds. They are popular also because they are easy to create and maintain. You can find searching online many services that provide free blogging tools for personal, corporate, organizational, and family/group use. You can theme and promote your blog for a wide range readership. Using the free tools interface will allow you to launch an streamlined and attractive blog within minutes.


A website forum is a user-generated online discussion site. A forum architecture is based on a tree-like directory structure, that accommodate administrators, moderators, closer user groups, their posts and their threads. Also it performs a functions that are similar to dial-up and/or Usenet networks. The Forum software can be installed and/or integrated via cpanel/ftp with a web host. Those software are created using a variety of languages such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Java, Pearl, and (PHP)-Hypertext Preprocessor.

Photo Galleries

Photo galleries are created to manage your photographs online via Internet. These galleries usually make it easier for highlight your favorite photos from your album or from entire collection and you can give a separate caption of each gallery. Photo galleries have easy administration and good intuitive user interface. Your options are: a) free premade photo gallery, or b) you can build one via add on a photo gallery on your website or server.

Directory Submission